Show This Educational and Transformational Video Series at Your Church FREE!
(Also available with Spanish subtitles)
We Thirst: Christian Reflections on Addiction is a comprehensive Catholic adult faith formation and evangelization program that has been vetted by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. We Thirst is currently held in seminary and university libraries around the world.
I found Nina’s presentations extremely helpful and faith-filled. It is my expectation that anyone who attends this series will leave inspired and informed. I would recommend this series to anyone. — Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Garvin, Pastor, St. Christopher Parish, Philadelphia and former Executive Director, Catholic Social Services, Archdiocese of Philadelphia
Churches are able to show We Thirst: Christian Reflections on Addiction for FREE!
Take advantage of this unique opportunity to educate and evangelize your community with a special showing at your church. In doing so, you will be performing many of the Spiritual Works of Mercy! You will also be acting on the Catholic Church’s call for a response to the problem of substance abuse and addiction.
How it Works:
Complete the form below with information about your church or ministry organization (this is for church showings only, not for individual home use).
We will review your information and confirm that you are a church. Then, we will send you a confirmation email with a link to access the video series.
Show the video series at your church free of charge.
The We Thirst series may not be edited in any form, duplicated, or any other showings (Internet, television, etc.)
The We Thirst series must be hosted by your church and shown at your church facility (not online).
The streaming link may not be shared.